I think it really depends. A lot of my food forest is in my zone 1, because the area nearest my house is where the best light is, and my kids like to play there, so I'm there a lot weeding and planting while I watch them. Since the
trees are close to the house, I also plant a lot of food under them that I harvest every day, such as chives, green onions, and strawberries.
My cherries, however, are more like zone two or three. I'm not down by them as often, but since it's by my blueberries, some parts of the year I get down there more often and do a bit more maintenance. Most of my zone 2/3 food forest is things I don't harvest that often: hostas, june-berring strawberries,
dandelions, random weeds.
I have a zone 4 food forest, which is mostly
natives, and I don't do any maintenance other than maintain the paths through the woods and pick the berries.
I think the type of food forest really impacts how often you visit and what zone it's in. You can have an intensive one that you harvest from frequently and weed often, or you can have one that you don't maintain as much. I think zone 2 or 3 is probably where most people have their food forest, but it can really depend!