Typically, marble is composed of the following major constituents: 38-42% Lime (CaO), 20-25% Silica (SiO2), 2-4% Alumina (Al2O3), 1.5-2.5% various oxides (NaO and MgO), and 30-32% various carbonates (MgCO3 and others).
Marble is calcite, so, depending on how fine you grind the marble, you will be adding those minerals above to your soil (exact amounts would be found in a chemistry test at a laboratory)
I would use marble dust for mineral enhancement but it is not going to give the same results as true dolomite powder, it will be more "slow release" than the dolomite, but this can be factored in at the time of addition.
If you use any mineral amendment you
should also use a compost tea that is 50:50 bacteria to fungi, this will give the soil the organisms it will need to process the materials added into materials the plants can use.