I'm interested to hear if anyone has any comparisons regarding particulate emissions of a 'standard' wood stove and a batch box or 'J' tube rocket. We have a mixture of these in our property and I'm hoping the rockets are performing better on all fronts
Hi John; I know that some testing has been done, probably not on a large scale. Peter Van den berg has an emission's tester he uses on his creations , I believe Ernie Wisner may have one for his builds.
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I think there are a good number of graphs for the rockets over at https://donkey32.proboards.com/ as well as some here. The exhaust for a wood stove can vary greatly based on the damper, but overall the rockets burn much cleaner but you will find a range of values for both.
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
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