I use strong "multi-year" drip line and I think it could be left on the ground (drained of
course) but I'm not sure so I always roll it up for winter and store it in the barn.
One tip: if you store it in a place where there might be rodents, it's a good idea to hang the roll from the wall. One year I left the rolls on the barn floor and the rats "tasted" them a bit. Luckily I noticed it early and hung the rolls on the wall. I find rats don't really bother climbing unless it means there will be dinner. But they gnaw on stuff that's conveniently on shelves or floors, even if it's not edible.
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour