Edit: Looks like my attempt at sarcasm landed badly. I was trying to highlight that such a plan would both be unwelcome by the Canadians and - for any hope at a stable union in the longer term - would depend on appropriate representation. The consequences of such a proposal would reduce the proportion of votes that the republicans receive.
Trump’s proposal would be hugely damaging to his own party’s interests if there were ever a circumstance where it came to pass.
Clearly therefore Trump does not actually want to fold Canada into the USA - he has some other agenda, and is using this political posturing to apply pressure.
As an outsider to this situation it all just looks terribly silly.
Jay Angler wrote:For anyone who has been following US politics, Mr. Trump seems to think Canada should be the 51 State.
I think it's a great idea. Obviously Canada would need appropriate representation in Government, so it wouldn't be the 51st state... more like states 51 through 63 (10 existing provinces and 3 territories). I wonder how favourably the citizens of those 13 new states would feel towards Trump and the Republican Party?
(Hint - a population that has been reluctantly annexed by the Republicans, and already leans considerably more left than the general population of the USA is unlikely to be supportive of the Republicans. The end result would be the Republicans as they are now never seeing power again.)