Aurora House

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since Sep 15, 2020
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Recent posts by Aurora House

I'd be willing to be a phone buddy! I have 2 children my son is starting college at WSU and my daughter just turned 7 months so in addition to phone buddy if your bus rolled Seattle way I'd gladly share outgrown baby stuff. Also would be interested in hearing about what you did to get away from your narcissist relationship.
1 month ago
If it comes from a plant or animal look around... Are we eyeballs deep in it if no it will compost. Maybe attracts vermin or smells but will compost, the rules are for vermipost and not stinking up the neighborhood.
4 months ago
I saw a video about feeding chickens with just bamboo and brown rice. I don't know if you'd count bamboo as "tree hay" and I think the video showed fresh cut but it seems worth a try especially with how fast bamboo can grow.
4 months ago
So the guy who invented air conditioners had terrible allergies and was trying to dry out the air to remove most allergen particles. If you could rig up something with an AC unit on your intake that would help dry and filter your air. After that point I'd create a mass heater bench with drying racks above it for your clothes with a sterling engine blowing the warm air for more movement. The wood heat chimney I'd run through the middle of your room vent pipe so it's heat radiation would help pull a draft for your vent. the sterling engine and vent draft would be passive but only work  when you fire the mass bench but when you'd need to dry NOW they'd kick things into overdrive. I see the previously mentioned baffles as a way to control what parts of the chain need to be used, you don't need the ac to dry & filter air as much in winter, you might not need the mass bench to fire in summer or maybe just for a couple hours and let the mass slowly dump its heat all day.
4 months ago
This "under 5" thing seems like it would need something like a church's cry room, somewhere away from distracting the ptj and that they can protest their diaper change at full volume and not get run over by an excavator. Seems like a lot of work for participants that are not fully in control of their bodies yet. Also just safety has me cringe at this.
6 months ago

ray Bunbury wrote:zombies want to eat cauliflower because looking like brain

and here I thought the the vegetarian/vegan zombie liked "Grains!"
11 months ago
I like this makes me wish there had been snow here during our recent cold snap! and the rug beater you have pictured is gorgeous! I like the kill bugs by freezing to death option. need to go back to these simple solutions!
11 months ago
Take 2 on crochet hot pad. I was crocheting on the diagonal so my "square" is more of a rhombus. Also I ran out of tan yarn so finished with chocolate and a row around the outside to give it a more finished look. My hook is size K.
On the plus side the 2 yarns make it easier to see I'm measuring different sides.
1 year ago
Recap- I started this before specific categories were required so I may need to cook a lasagna still.
1st tortillas/English muffins on stoneware.
2nd (cup)cakes
"3rd" banana bread
4th cinnamon rolls
5th pie in cast iron
6th nan flatbread on stoneware
And during the spring bb20 event
7th cornbread on cast iron in RMO
8th pizza in RMO