Fiona Quick

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since Mar 05, 2024
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Recent posts by Fiona Quick

R Parian wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

For this BB, you will create blackberry syrup or gummies using the plant material you harvested.

Additional Information:
BBC Good Food article on blackberries

Minimum requirements:
  - Create  syrup and/or gummies
  - Use blackberries

To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (< 2 minutes):
 - Harvested plant material (either being harvested or just harvested)
 - Making the syrup and or gummies with a description or link to the recipe you used
 - Finished syrup or gummies in a labeled container

 - Honey infusions do not qualify for this BB

7 months ago

Liv Smith wrote:This Badge Bit (BB) is part of the PEP Curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

In this BB you will make a decoction from stinging nettle leaf.  Decoction is a method of extraction by boiling herbal or plant material to dissolve the chemicals of the material, which may include stems, roots, bark, and rhizomes.

Drawing of nettle from Richard Whelan website:

Additional Information:
Mother Earth Living on Decoction

Minimum requirements:
  - Make a decoction
  - Strain and store your decoction

To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (< 2 minutes):
  - Stinging nettle leaves (either being harvested or just harvested)
  - Making  the decoction
  - Finished decoction in its labeled jar

7 months ago

Logan Byrd wrote:This is  a Badge Bit (BB) that is part of the PEP Curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

For this BB you will create a tincture out of calendula blossoms.

Mountain Rose Herbs video on how to make a tincture:

To show you've completed this BB you must post pictures of the following:

- picture of the calendula blossoms, freshly harvested
- picture of the tincture being made
- picture of the finished tincture in its labeled jar.

7 months ago

Liv Smith wrote:This is a Badge Bit (BB) that is part of the PEP Curiculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

For this BB you will create calendula infused oil:
- Make the infused oil, and take a picture of it being made, and of it being finished.

Web pages on how to make calendula infused oil:

To show you've completed this BB you must post pictures or a video (<2 minutes) of the following:

- the calendula being harvested
- the calendula in oil, with a description of the oil and any other ingredients that you used
- the finished (strained) infused oil in its labelled jar

7 months ago

Mike Haasl wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

In this badge bit, you will harvest, dry and store lemon balm

You need to dry enough to make a tea, infusion or decoction.

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
- a picture of your fresh herbs being harvested
- a picture of your herbs drying (hanging, in a dehydrator, or in a bag, etc)
- a picture of your herbs in a sealed and labelled container.
    - label shows where the herbs came from, the date and method of drying.

7 months ago

Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Nest.

For this BB, you will deep clean the fabric on a couch or chair using natural cleaners!

Related Threads and Articles:
- Podcast 206 - Natural Cleansers
- Clean with Cleaners You can Eat
- Clean Mold & Mildew Organically
- How to Make Natural Upholstery Cleaner
- A Green Clean - Homemade Cleaners to Detox Home
- How to Deep Clean a Couch

How to Clean a Couch QUICKLY for Company Coming! (No fancy equipment or cleaners needed!)


To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- deep clean the fabric on a couch or chair using natural cleaners
- no toxic gick allowed

To document your completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (less than two minutes):
 - describe the natural cleaner(s) you used (provide the recipe if you made it yourself)
 - before, during, and after deep cleaning a couch or chair with natural cleaners

7 months ago

Nicole Alderman wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Food Prep and Preservation

For this badge bit, you will make a pizza. They can be "normal", paleo, vegan, gluten free. Paul's "polydough" is probably the easiest way to make pizza. Here's how Paul says to make his polydough pizza:

paul wheaton wrote: Just tear off a piece of dough, shape it, smear tomato sauce on it.  Throw on pizza toppings and cheese, then bake at 450 for about eight minutes.

Making the pizza in the rocket oven would count for both this BB and the parallel one in Rocket Ovens. Here's a pizza made in Julia's rocket oven

Here's my favorite SCD/GAPS/Paleo pizza dough recipe: Cheese Bread Pizza Dough. It's also, of course, gluten free!

My husband loves his bacon crust meatza/pizza, which is made with a woven bacon crust.

Here's some great permies threads with pizza recipes:

  • New York style pizza sauce and crust recipe
  • Cauliflower Pizza Crust
  • How to Make Gluten Free Pizza Crust
  • Grain free, dairy free, soy free pizza...really!

  • Here's some pictures from those threads:

    Note: with most gluten crusts, like Paul's Polydough, the crust does not need to be prebaked. With most gluten-free crusts (including meatza), the crust needs to be baked first and then sauce and toppings applied, and then baked again.

    Your toppings and sauce can be to your own liking. For example: a vegan pesto pizza, an alfredo chicken pizza, a classic margarita pizza, a pizza with ALL the topings. Deep dish, calazone,  and thin crusts all count, too.

    To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
      - one pizza
      - you make the pizza from scratch, including the crust
      - not burnt
      - dough is cooked

    To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
      - Link to/post the recipe you used (especially the part about the crust)
      - pic of the crust being made
      - pic of the pizza getting it's toppings put on
      - pic of the completed pizza and a slice of pizza
              o showing that the pizza is not burnt and it is cooked all the way through

    - All food prep and preservation BBs strictly prohibit plastic, teflon or aluminum touching the food at any point

    7 months ago

    Liv Smith wrote:This is a Badge Bit (BB) that is part of the PEP Curiculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

    For this BB you will create garlic-infused vinegar.
    - Make the infused vinegar, and take a picture of it being made, and of it being finished.


    Web pages on how to make garlic infused vinegar:

    To show you've completed this BB you must post pictures of the following:

    - picture of the garlic
    - picture of the infused vinegar being made
    - picture of the finished vinegar in its labelled jar

    7 months ago

    Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Food Prep and Preservation

    In this Badge Bit, you will make a stir fry. Basically, you're going to be cooking food in some type of fat. You use some type of wide round cooking container with low sides (e.g. a pan, wok, or even cast iron skillet) and some type of heat source (e.g. rocket mass heater, a stovetop, the sun)!  Throw your desired ingredients in your desired fat and cook it!

    Some examples of stir fries:

    Stir fries are usually made of the following (but you can use as many or as few ingredients as you want):
      - some type of fat (typically an oil, but could also be done with butter, lard, coconut oil, etc)
      - some type of protein (could be meat, eggs, beans, tofu, or something else)
      - some type of carbohydrate (could be rice, quinoa, potatoes, noodles, pasta, etc)
      - some hard vegetables (like onions, carrots, bell peppers, or celery)
      - some leafy vegetables (like spinach, kale, arugula, or spring greens)
      - some type of spices or herbs (like green onion, hot peppers, ginger, or garlic)
      - and maybe some type of topping (like crushed nuts, dried mushrooms, or coconut flakes)

    Here are some permies threads on making stir fries:
      - How to do Vegan Wok Cooking
      - Water Velveting for Moist Meats
      - Cream of Yesterday (make a stir fry out of leftovers)

    Here are lots of different stir fry recipes:
      - Vegetarian stir fries
      - 41 Stir Fry Recipes
      - 35 Quick Stir Fries

    Some demonstrations on how to stir fry:

    How to prepare vegetables in stir fries

    More on stir frying vegetables

    How to stir fry beef

    One-pan stir fries

    To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
      - should serve at least 2 people (leftovers!)
      - ingredients and meal are not to be pre-made or pre-prepared
      - (e.g. no canned peppers, Ramen noodles, packets of seasonings, Blue Apron, etc)
      - no microwave

    To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
      - post a rough recipe of what you put in your stir fry
      - post a picture of you preparing some of the ingredients (or the leftovers you are using)
      - post a picture of your ingredients in the pan
      - post a picture of your finished stir fry!

    - All food prep and preservation BBs strictly prohibit plastic, teflon or aluminum touching the food at any point

    8 months ago

    Logan Byrd wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

    For this BB, you will create an infusion of lemon balm leaf. Infusion is a method of extracting desired compounds from plant material by steeping the material in hot or cold water, depending on the plant and its attributes.

    To show you’ve completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
    - a picture of your lemon balm leaf being harvested
    - a picture of the infusion being made
    - a picture of the finished infusion

    8 months ago