Corina Graves wrote:This book looks super exciting! Ive got 5 to 6 acres of my 20 commented to woodland, this looks like a great to to get some more productivity from it... as a young and not well fundded permaculturalist I and all of our farm animals would greatly appreciate book!
Windward Sustainability Education and Research Center
Permaculture Apprenticeships at Windward
America's First Permaculture Cemetery? Herland Forest Natural Burial Cemetery
“This book is about many things, but fundamentally it is about a new way to relate to the forest. It offers not only new ways of seeing and valuing forests for both preserving and enhancing forest health but also the potential to make an income.” –Farming the Woods, p. xiv
“Every human activity is an opportunity to bear fruit and is a continual invitation to exercise the human freedom to create abundance...” ― Andreas Widmer
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