James Kleiner wrote:Hi All,
Thanks for the add. Looking to purchase 1st wood stove. Came across this Vermont Castings, which is right around the corner from me. Craigslist link below with a number of photos. What questions should I ask the seller? How difficult are they to install? Price seems too good to be true. Thanks
Looks in good condition. A catalyst will set you back $100 to $200 although you could run it without. I don't care stoves that have fragile expensive parts that need replacing. I could be wrong and can't tell from the pictures, but it appears the stove doesn't have a secondary burn feature. That may be because of the catalyst.
Installation can get expensive if you hire it out. We did ours in single wall stainless steel flue pipe inside with double wall where it goes up through the roof. A 4 foot length of single wall SS runs about $50 and will last forever.
YouTube has lots of really good advice on installing stoves.