We are building a 22 acre
permaculture farm in South Florida and are just finishing our 3 acre food forest design. In our design we made a couple sun traps facing magnetic south for our cold tender tropical plants. However, summer time that whole area would be cooked with the high heat that we get. We placed trees that are deciduous that lose there leaves, like mamey, and are not completely frost tolerant in the middle of the sun trap. Come winter time, we have an open sun trap warming up all the plants that need to be warm. Once the summer time comes, there is a normal
canopy happening and there is no sun trap effect.
Depending on your design of what the keyholes purpose will be for, maybe you can set a deciduous tree in front of it, an awning with grapes, or something of that sort. Or, maybe just plant your heat loving plants there that grow well in the tropics and disregard your european vegetable crops.
Also, most likely the seedlings need a little more protection in their early stages.