Hey all I am considering putting in vermicomposting trenches inspired by the red worm composting site (link below). The thought is to make a hugelculture like bottom to improve drainage and a
wood walkway to cover and hopefully reduce compaction. My hope is that this will also help to prevent soil runoff because our
water table is only about 10 feet below surface and we are downhill of most of the surrounding lots in our subdivision so missourri rains tend to yield boggy patches and soil runoff.
My worry is we have very heavy clay so I'm hoping I can use this to direct excess water out of our garden. But I don't want these to turn into ponds of sorts so I'm thinking I
should make sure they are at an angle to the grade. I do not intend to vermicompost a restaurant's excess like he mentions in the site but I would like to use this for all of our household waste and maybe reach out to a few of the horse and cow farms around here.
Any suggestions for establishing in ground composting or for dealing with excess water?