Interesting ideas. I wonder if the night chilled pipe would condense more if in a more humid
greenhouse or any humid space. Then
reuse for irrigation maybe? I’ve wondered about filling in the unwanted windows in my school bus with stainless steel or plastic chiller plates that drain into little gutters and into condensation bottles at night. I think I could collect a gallon per day from only a few windows.
I’ve never thought of using
pond water to heat a
greenhouse. Or cooling. Reverse siphoning at night on passive
solar thermal domestic
hot water systems (PSTDHW) can be a problem so they put check valves in place to prevent it. But if it was a designed in
Permaculture function?. It seems like a environment such as a Earthship house would have potential to condense humidity.
What about an air pipe? I’ve wondered about a long cloche or crop row cover that goes down and up a hill into a space that needs heat or cooling. It could suck air out of the house at night drawing in cold air to chill the house for the next hot day.
Using the natural temperature swings in your region is a good example of
permaculture thinking. Where I live in the Puget Sound there’s not as much temperature swings (delta T).