Dennis, I am understanding that you are trying to
root the cuttings? I have had success with just composted wood chips and a little rock dust. The challenge is the race between rooting and rotting- too much nitrogen and everything rots, too little and the nascent
roots can't get
enough nitrogen to make materials. I err on the side of too little nitrogen and some shade. I am very low tech, most stuff I root over the winter in a mild climate, just stuck in the degraded chips. Rooting hormone if I remember but most stuff seems to do just fine. I bat about .500 with some stuff much higher, some lower. I've successfully rooted stuff like Che that is supposed to NOT root. Without hormone because I couldn't find it!
For kiwi, shade is the issue I would think. They like a shaded winter and then they reach for the sun. A shade cloth or old shirt on a stick is all you need. Now my better half has a use for those "comfortable" shirts we can agree on!