Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Support Ant Village Lot Efforts On Narrow Pond
Respect your superiors...if you have any. Mark Twain
Orin Raichart wrote:Mr Mitchell,
sorry you failed in your first attempt at hugelkultur.
at permies, we are a group that sort of focuses on asking what caused us to fail.
Why did you allow bermuda grass to overgrow your hugelkultur bed?
How did you allow bermuda grass to overgrow your hugelkultur bed?
How did this overgrowth actually cause it to fall?
Please post pictures of your fallen hugelkultur bed so we can diagnose your failed building technique.
Are those corrugated galvanized pipes??? Please google how handlers of galvanized pipe must wear gloves or they get galvanized poisoning....please also see the precautions welders of galvanized pipe must take. Look up the MSDS on galvanized you really want to grow your food in this???
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Scaramouche. Scaramouche. A tiny ad dressed as a clown.
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