Happy Cinco
de Mayo to all! I've been "gardening" while having a libation, LOL.
First time trying this, but MANY You-tubes if you want to check. I downloaded dot/grid from someplace like this link:
https://www.waterproofpaper.com/graph-paper/ and then printed them in bold.
Laid over my "recycled-paper" paper towels and copied the dots while watching TV. Surprised to find out that towels were "2-ply" so I got double bang for buck when marks came thru both plys. Pretty easy to separate plys.
Used 1-1 flour/water and a little paintbrush as the glue - afraid that Elmer's would inhibit sprouting, though many say it's fine.
"Planted" a little closely - plan to thin/harvest baby lettuces, carrots, etc, PLUS you overcome any poor germination.
Using my already prepared/marked plys - I got 7 done/"planted" in an hour here at my desk! Tiny seeds of lettuce, carrots, etc. My fingernails worked fine to pick up even the smallest, but you could use tweezers or a slotted plastic
spoon. I used Sharpie to write on each "page" - divide a page - you can cut them up for better spacing when you actually plant on your soil!
I was worried that flour/water "glue" would encourage sprouting, but nobody mentioned that, and these were all dry within 30 minutes. First time to include photo ...
Wishing all of us the best for 2019!!