I would avoid the straw for a few reasons.
1. It will cause clogging problems. With... virtually every component in the plumbing. Pump, drain, bell syphon if you use it, etc. etc.
2. It will suck up the nitrates and other minerals you are attempting to get into the
For gravel/media size I have seen many systems have issues with gravel that is less than 3/8" inches in diameter. Most clogging/dead zone issues. You want the water to flow freely and remain oxygenated/aerobic. Anaerobic conditions cause bad/wrong bacteria colonies to form. They grow/spread MUCH faster than the good bacteria. They also SMELL. A good running system never smells bad. The also REVERSE the nitrification process... killing the fish.
Be sure that whatever you use it is solid and PH neutral! Look up "Vinegar test". I have had Great luck with scoria/volcanic/lava rock. Hard to find in smaller size (I just use the larger ones). They have Excellent mineral content (that breaks down to
feed the plants over time), surface area, and lock together to give the plants something solid to hold onto. Not to mention the large voids between the rocks than enable great water flow over time.
Let me know if you have any further questions and I might be able to point you in the right direction.