Hello all you wonderful people,
We just moved in last fall to our 12 acres in Western Maryland, and we are feeling our way through the beginnings. Any guidance you all could offer on the following questions will be much appreciated.
We have 16 hens out in electronet on a small (160 sf) paddock and a mobile coop. They have been parked there on that part of the pasture for the past couple of months so they will kill the grass to prepare the area for a garden.
Now, the grass seems to be about 75-80% killed, but there's parts that are really hanging on.
Should I trust that they'll be gone by August? Maybe should I
feed them less grain so they'll go for that grass that's left?
Also, when they move out of that paddock, leaving bare poopy dirt behind, that's hardly an ideal seed-ready garden patch, isn't it? It's too compacted. I know I should pull it up a bit and aerate it, and I plan to broadfork it in order to do this -- Getting a pig might be another option, but it requires more prep than ordering a broadfork from Johnny's and waiting for the UPS truck. I imagine amending the soil some more is a very good idea, too... I have on hand the following materials for free:
-Very old (2-3 years)
-Newish hay just cut from our pastures
-Lots of
wood chips
-Straw plus wood chips plus
chicken poo from the indoor coop that they slept in before we put them in that paddock.
-All of the above spiked with dog poo and
pee from the puppies' kennel (probably not a good idea, at least for a year or so).
I could also easily get some horse manure and probably some bags of leaves.
Whatever material I get, I reckon it'll either be folded in (quick incorporation, more work, what do I use to do it?) or sat on top and let rot (takes a long time, easier to do).
Do you all have any opinions or advice about this? I appreciate any guidance you are willing to give! Many thanks!
Take good care, and rock on!
--Barb and Geoff