Big presentation that keeps mouth shut for answering. So complete already!
I just went thinking about when I had tried to tell a story, in the hope to connect....
and came a not pleasant memory at all.
So i thought I might share.... or else, how to create a personal story about the topic, so that we can connect?
My permies
project is actually stopped for years because of neighbours issues and bad building work issues. Of course I have a story about it! I remember being in full problems with caterpillar etc, and I met a new neighbour. Cool girl, social person involved in theater, nature lover and more. I opened about part of the story, just hoping for some sort of support. just hoping some emotional reaction would help me to stand my ground and regain the strength that was starting to be missing!
You know this, when you tell a story that is not a happy one. You do not want the person to be sad and "fall in the pit" with you do you? You want the person to stay outside of the story but react and tell you that it is not fair, and how much you certainly are angry, and what a shame that people act like this! And you would expect a person who is an actor to know how to embody an amotional reaction and make it looks even more grandiose through
She just told me "Ho, as long as I do not know the other point of view, I cannot take side. " !!!
In personal story telling, I connect with the teller, and I help the emotions to come out and be integrated. Actually, when TWO persons have been involved in a story and are in a fight about it, I can speak with both independently, and give SUPPORT TO BOTH, I mean with the same heart. I don't give a damn if one is right or not! I just know that they speak up because they have some emotional charge about it, and the one that might be wrong and responsible and even guilty ALSO NEEDS support to get out of the emotional pit!
Of course if there is no emotion and I can feel that somebody is just trying to make me have an opinion, I will step back on the thinking level.