I hope this is appropriate to post. I just thought I'd put a line out on here since there's more
permie folks looking at 'newer' and more unusual breeds of pigs. We have some extra piglets that we figured we would rehome since we have
enough to raise for butcher. We think these pigs are pretty cool and are excited about the breeds!
We're open to permie trades, too! You know, tools, supplies,
feed, and all things related to home-grown and self-sufficiency :) Feel free to contact me for more info. We're located not far from Missoula. We run our pigs in large forested pastures. We also feed fermented non-gmo/no-spray grains grown by our neighbors. We do not use any medications, chemicals, or dugs of any kind on any of our animals (or ourselves).
So we have 1 in tact male and 2 female kune kune piglets left right now. They'll be ready to go in 7-10 days We're selling them about 40% lower than what we paid for our breeding stock because kune kunes are outrageously priced. These 3 are all black and white spotted.
We got into kunes because we wanted to try a 'true' miniature pig breed. Compared to our big pigs? We'd pick kune kunes any day! They're ultra manageable, and relatively harmless. Extremely sweet, tame, and trusting in disposition. They're super easy keepers and don't need much food. We have to limit their grain intake so they don't become obese. And they're just super chill. All of our kunes have lived in the house for some length of time! They were good house guests, especially when they figured the potty training out.
For anyone wanting to get into mini pigs on the homestead; kunes are a pasturing/foraging pig that don't do too much digging and are easy to manage (and might also make a great pet). Plus they're REALLY stinkin' cute. Our boar follows us around nuzzling our ankles and squeaking quietly because he just wants some love and attention. His best friend is a mastiff. We have yet to see an aggressive bone in his body. Our sow is very intelligent by comparison and happily topples over for a good belly rub. They both go on walks with us, but we have to go REALLY SLOW because they're just not fast pigs, running around on those short stubby legs! Our breeders are well over 1 y/o and might weight in around 200lbs. I'm pleased with how small they are.
Of our big pigs, we have mangalitsa/hampshire crosses. We got into mangalitsas to try the wooley pig. We're sitting in USDA zone 3 and wanted a hardy mountain pig. The mangalitsas have lived up to everything I read about them. Energetic, playful, dog-like, very intelligent, fuel-efficient, and EXCELLENT foragers. They till earth like you wouldn't believe, too. These girls, true to the breed, generally dont' wait around to be fed. They are off in their pastures rooting and eating and feeding themselves. Over winter they were out frolicking and playing tag in -10º like it was summer, sporting a good 4-5" matt of wool. (by compaison the minis were huddled together in the barn under the straw trying to stay warm). They are definitely the perfect cold weather pig. We like that they're a lard pig as well; their body build is basically bacon, loin, and fat! That's what we're after! They're agile, strong, with thin, sturdy legs and a handsome build. I think they're absolutely beautiful pigs. We take our mangalitsa sows on hikes with us, they just follow along with the dogs. We're part of their herd and they LOVE spending time with us. They love a good belly rub and back scratch. But they are a pig you don't want to piss off. They have good protection instinct and won't hesitate to defend themselves or their babies. We like that, too! We exercise due boundaries and respect. And we feel pretty confident that if a bear or cat ever gets in the pasture with them and their babies, that our mangalitsa sows will be eating bear/cat for dinner.
The mangalitsas grew slowly, as the breed
should. They were 100lbs going into winter last year and came out of winter maybe 250-300lbs. They're well over 1 y/o and are just now pushing 400lbs or so. We've enjoyed this because they're our breeders and we didn't want to keep and feed massive meat pigs. These mangalitsas could top out at 800+lbs, but they'll take a couple more years to get there. We'll be able to afford keeping them awhile longer!
So we got the hampshire boar for lack of other available full-size boar, so the piglets are hamp/mang crosses. Our purebred hampshire boar topped out at nearly 1,000lbs. These ham/mang piglets are growing faster than the pure mangalitsas did, sitting at 30~lbs at just over 2 months old. Mama has them weened already. They're a rowdy bunch and she's done being chewed on! They're foraging champs, but still love their grain. We socialize and handle all of the pigs and piglets every day at feeding times. Anyway, our current weened batch of these piglets we're keeping for meat. We might let 1 weened male go. But we have another litter that will be weened in 6-8 weeks, so many of those piglets will be available. There will be a couple boys and girls both. We do not de-fang. The males will be in tact.
We'd also be interested in a trade for chance to breed the mangalitsa sows to a mangalitsa boar...!