Vacuum packing your seeds is a great solution to high humidity! And using a manual bike pump is a good idea. It makes me think maybe I could use a syringe in a similar way.
Humidity is very high here as well. Things often mold before they can dry all the way.
Japan has a cultural practice of perpetual
gift giving where people exchange omiyage (souvenirs). Omiyage are expected after a trip, or when meeting for the first time or anytime really. If you go to someone's house, no matter how briefly, you will be sent home with omiyage. And you are expected to return the favor, which means going back to their house to give omiyage only to be sent home with yet more omiyage.
Anyway, to the point, most popular omiyage are snacks or sweets that, because of the humidity, are individually packaged and contain a dessiscant pack. I try to remember to bring a container to any gathering where I expect omiyage and ask everyone to deposit the dessiscant packs from the ones they have eaten. This always sparks a conversation. Most people save their own at home for various reasons, like defogging their diving camera housing, or to keep salt from clumping.
I use the dessiscant packs in saved seeds and dried herbs, but sometimes they will still mold. For long storage I might try combining vacuum packing and adding a dessiscant pack as well.
We have a surplus of dessiscant packs and jars, but in areas where these are scarce, vacuum packing with a bike pump is a great solution. Thanks for sharing!