So, five years ago I made a post or two that was deemed helpful. Then I moved etc etc. Busy.
I was sent the following message... and didn't read it until I felt too much time had passed... it was uncomfortably late to respond.
Inbox :: Message
From: wayne stephen
To: Chris Sturgeon
Date: 1/22/2014 9:40:29 AM
Subject: New Bicycle Forum ! Are you still onboard Mr Mechanic Quote
Hi Chris , We have just given Bicycles their own forum . Would you still be onboard as our resident ask-a-mechanic ? We are moving bike threads from the transportation forum into its own but we will leave your
thread alone if you don't have time . It was a very helpful thread so far and thank you.
Wayne Stephen
All this just to say, I've got some more time in my life now. How can I help?
I like bikes, but I do a lot more that just bikes ;)