This looks like it can use some development, like
RMH has been developed for heating. But, this is A/C that can be made off grid, likely cheaper,, you can go to Home Depot to get (most) of the materials (plumbing mostly) and is non-toxic.
The idea is this is a desiccant based system. I.e. to take the humidity out of the air, and use
water to chill the air. In the examples in the videos, he uses Calcium Chloride, the stuff you use to melt ice on
concrete sidewalks instead of rock salt, or the food grade stuff is used to crisp vegetables, like regular table salt. In fact, other than the material in the plumbing, this is non-toxic.
This can be developed in a simplifed version to make a simple dehumidifier for the basement. Here is the first
video put out as a prototype, getting into the engineering and physics.
And, the second put out making a working A/C system ran dirrectly off
solar power. It looks to me that you can have
solar panels without using all the other complicated things like inverters etc. All this can be run off 12V DC.
I am not a frequent Permies Forum goer. But, it does seem that I saw a
thread kicking around that someone was inquiring for ideas of making off grid A/C systems. If there is a thread, and it would be better to post this there, I would ask for help to tell me so I can post this there. And, ask to take this new thread out.