I'm lucky
enough to have a group of friends that loves potlucks. To spice of an event we often hold clothing swaps during our shenanigans. It's not just for the ladies, the fellas love to get involved as well! Although by the end of the evening it does degrade into who can select the most outrages combination of clothes and apply it to the totally wrong sized body for the garment.
The ladies usually bring quite large bags of clothing, and usually end up leaving with an equally large bag, despite having the intentions of reducing their wardrobe. All the clothes that are not taken to a new home are packed up by the hostess and brought to the
local Salvation Army. We've done this so many times that a single article of clothing often goes through several owners before finally meetings its end.
Although the buy it for life principle, I believe, is the ideal to strive towards, sometimes you end up with gifts you don't care for, your body changing shape, of simply being bored. We're all pretty good about bringing items that have been hanging in our closet gathering dust no matter how nice, how thoughtful the
gift, or how much you're sure you're going to loose/gain the weight required to fit it again.
Clothes swaps are so popular in our are that there is even a community wide one where everyone brings there items to a local bar to bid, trade, or give away. The place is packed every year now!
I thought I'd document my most recent haul of clothing. I'm fortunate that all of my friend prefer to purchase item that are built to last and usually from companies they can get behind.