I recently visited a region of the world that is recognized by the World Bank as the "poorest region in the world" with "98 percent of the inhabitants ... considered multi-dimensionally poor" in both resources, education, employment and other opportunities, and harshness of environment.
What I observed on my multiple visits to this region were attempts at introduction of industrial-ag influences...Large scale GMO based monocropping with dependency on synthetic fertilizers... Alongside a region that is substantially subsistence farmers.
And that makes sense when you think about where the funding for these initiatives come from. When the governments/World Health Organization/et al fund programs to help poverty-stricken countries, these are the farming models that are going to receive funding/attention. It is probably based on the methods your ag extention would've been a proponent of 10 years ago, based on how slowly these things move and the red tape and corruption and corporate lobbying it has to endure.
Those who have the education, resources, equipment, capital...to pull this type of agriculture off...are very much the minority.
That model doesn't scale as well as
Permaculture in what it has to offer the vast worldwide population of subsistence farmers.
Simply supporting the subsistence farmers doesn't have the same value to government officials and policymakers in trying to improve their GDP/exports and make a name for themselves on the world stage, so it may not receive the attention it
Permaculture model promotes minimal input, regenerative practices, capitalizing on inherent natural advantages and improving them, incorporating indigenous practices, and improved productivity and effectiveness.
How is the
Permaculture based agriculture model being promoted to policy makers and agriculture departments within nations around the world? I have to think there would/should be tremendous interest, with the right support and education and resources. Methods to support 100% of the farming population that don't depend on significant import needs of equipment, material, supplies, fertilizers, herbicides.
We all know how industrial-ag methods are being promoted to these same groups. Corporate $$$$$
One organization I've come across related to this, although more entrenched and on a
local level, is
Mavuno. They're more hands-on
boots on the ground supporting change/development/education/opportunities (in Congo/DRC)
I'm curious if there are organizations that are working at a higher strategic level, across all or groups nations, targeting policymakers and officials and nation-level ag departments, and providing the support of education/training/materials or just showing the legitimacy of regenerative agriculture practices? Can anyone reference any?