What was the final receipe tested here? I couldn't hear some of the amounts / ratios / ingredients etc.
We are about to make a hearth out of this stuff on which a 450lbs stove will rest on four legs. Thinking of doing a form out of sheet metal and pouring into that with a top layer (like 1/4") of straight
concrete to help spread the loads out better.
Side note:
COPPA won't fine you personally ... google lying about who is responsible for content on their platform. They are the ones who will be fined as they have been in the past.
They were fined for tracking data on underage individuals and that is why this whole COPPA thing is being pushed right now. Instead of owning up to it they are instead threatening content creators as somehow being responsible for their actions :/
If you need a safe haven just migrate to bitchute ... anytime you "publish" a
video on YT you can set it up to auto publish on your bitchute account. If you need help setting it up let me know ;)