I have 2 heirloom
apple trees, a plum and two pear trees in our plot in north Idaho. They are well established and produce nice fruit which we love. Every summer for the last 6 or 7 years, I've hauled two 55-gallon barrels of
water to each tree about once per week. I'm nearing 75 and not in really good physical shape so the task is becoming more difficult for me each year. Having learned about
hugelkultur, I'd like to dig ditches (with a rented back hoe) around each tree and add some pine/fir logs to the holes to (maybe) reduce the trees' dependence on hauled water during the hot season. So far, so good.
My question is, how far out from the trunk
should I excavate the ditches so as to avoid damaging the
roots? The pear trees are all less than 10 feet tall, the apples are less than 7-1/2 feet tall and the plum is about the same. The soil is sandy clay with grapefruit-sized rocks, probably an ancient stream bank, but very well fertilized and mulched around the trees.
Any advice, rules-of-thumb or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Sam McMillan