I have worked with military-standard ROWPU (reverse osmosis water purification unit) models since 2005. I have friends that have in-home units and drink only the water from their homes.
My first advice is that your
shower is giving you more arsenic intake than your drinking water. Your body absorbs (through osmosis) more chemicals in a 10 min hot
shower than you would get by drinking gallons of the water a day. That said, I would immediately start adding a regimen of Lugol's solution to your drinking water 2-3x a day. The iodine creates detox pathways that allow your body to flush out the arsenic. It could save your life if the arsenic levels are high.
Second, a previous poster mentioned a lack of minerals in rowpu water, and I agree with that. Drinking only rowpu water would soon cause health problems resulting from dehydration (your body needs minerals to process water) and mineral depletion (cause your body will use what its got in store). Ever eaten an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat)? There is a reason the instructions say to have at least a little of *everything*, even the drink
pouch. The drink mixes in the MRE include a supply of the minerals missing from the ROPWU water, to try to prevent adverse consequences that in combat forces. That said, if you have access to other fluids like
milk, juice, tea, etc., your body gains most of the minerals needed from those and from the food you are eating (which is not usually going to come from sterile/asceptic pouches, like it does in the MRE). If you use exclusively rain water, it will be full of minerals, since every rain droplet contains one particulate from the atmosphere.
In your case, if it's possible I would build a separate roof to collect rain, have as large a cistern as possible, and try to use that water for showers at the very least. You could continue to use well water for anything else, even drinking, though boiling your drinking water first would allow the particulates of arsenic to change form which would render them harmless in digestion (like sand).
Hope that helps.