The mission of Grow Ritzville! Is to foster a powerful self- directed movement within the community of Ritzville that engages residents through education and hands on experience to grow their own affordable organic produce thereby increasing nutritional wealth, education and emotional prosperity.
Grow Ritzville! is a collective of private land owners who seek to transform their own properties by drawing from the principals of permaculture and applying expertise in three areas:
- Science
- Social Action
- Success!
Permaculture is a gestalt ... a study of the whole. Not just how to produce more and better food, but how human life on the planet affects and is affected by the surrounding environment.
Bill Kearns
Need more info?
Ernie and Erica
Wood burning stoves, Rocket Mass Heaters, DIY,
Stove plans, Boat plans, General permiculture information, Arts and crafts, Fire science, Find it at
Permaculture is a gestalt ... a study of the whole. Not just how to produce more and better food, but how human life on the planet affects and is affected by the surrounding environment.
Bill Kearns
Permaculture is a gestalt ... a study of the whole. Not just how to produce more and better food, but how human life on the planet affects and is affected by the surrounding environment.
Bill Kearns
If you find someone willing to deliver a few dump truck loads of clay to Springdale, let me know I've got a few projects in desperate need of clay. Even if It has to be hauled in, it's got to be cheaper than cement.Bill Kearns wrote:Thanks Ernie, that's a great idea. I'll pose the question and see if we can get a group of folks interested in a rocket mass heater seminar. Frugal heating with a RMH seems like a no-brainer for this area. (I'm also in an ongoing hunt for locally available clay to make it all possible)
Just call me Uncle Rice.
17 years in a straw bale house.
Willie Smits understands 40 languages. This tiny ad knows only one:
GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy