posted 5 years ago
We use this salve topically on any wounds we have. Cuts, scrapes, punctures, bruises, burns... the occasional healing surgery scar. We use it on anything you might use Neosporin cream for.
Yellow Dock Leaves: anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, can help with excema, which is an occasional problem.
Wide Leaf Plantain Leaves: soothes bee stings, burns, rashes and relieves itching from bug bites
Mullein Leaves: Antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial, can reduce pain and swelling
The above herbs are extracted into olive oil, then enough melted beeswax is added to the desired consistancy.
The above plants match what we need. There are many other plants that can have the same effects. I chose these ingredients because they grow wild in my region, therefore they are not dependant on my attention to survive, and will always be available in the growing season.