One of my favorite PIE features is the ability to add a
thread to multiple forums. You can do this as many times as you like as long as you have pie (it doesn't use up pie--having pie gives you this super power).
Say you have a thread that you think fits in Eastern US, Appalachia and Conferences. Not a problem! (You don't even have to make multiple threads to do that--which can look spammy--instead, your one thread shows up in more forums )
Go to your thread and look just above the title and you'll see a drop down menu saying "select a forum." Go ahead and click that, find the forum you want to add it to. Click it, and then click the "add to forum" button. You can then do this again! I believe you can add it to up to three forums, but I'm a bit hazy on just how many forums you can add it to. Test it and see!