What I’m sending to every politician I can think of::
In these uncertain times, the most useful thing I can think of to calm social unrest is to get people to plant gardens. Fearful, hungry, aimless people are very dangerous and unpredictable. The Victory Gardens idea of WW2 is a GREAT thing to go back to encouraging people to do. If everyone has a garden, and schools, churches, and parks have gardens, it will give people an outlet for their restless
energy, a feeling that there IS something they can do to help themselves and others, and food on the table if it all gets worse (which it looks like it is going to.)
PLEASE help spread this idea to your constituents, it’s a good positive action that can be taken at all levels of society, from individual to town, state, and national. This may be the absolute best thing for this country. We are experiencing serious change, whether we want it or not, choosing which way the change goes may be the most important decision we as a society make. We can either isolate ourselves mentally and fragment into warring pieces, or work together for the good of us all. I vote we work together, and work in our gardens.
That plus this goes to all the
local people I can think of, churches, the
newspaper etc::
On the local level, this area is full of tractors. Opening up gardens all over can be done with them, that’s most of the work right there. We have miles of grassy lawns that do nothing useful that can have gardens added. One of the easiest types of garden is just a narrow strip cut into the grass, and vegetables planted in the strip. If we put a strip garden into every good sunny
yard, the food security of this town would increase dramatically. If there’s not a yard, putting a zucchini plant into a pot produces a lot of food. --
We need to get people back to the reality of the human situation, that everything you do is primarily so you can eat. If you can’t eat, it very quickly doesn’t matter what else you do. Everyone who is currently off work or school has time to put in a garden, at their home or another place. It gets people out in the sun and fresh air (which helps their health) doing activity that gives them a goal and exercise, and gives them something to think about besides their fear.
I need help!
Does anyone know where to find email lists for things like "every senator" "every state representative in a state" etc? I can dig out every one but it'll be slow and I'm busy, I KNOW there have to be lists like that, I just don't know where. This is not my skill set.
Feel free to send that letter to everyone you can think of. I think this is the most rational thing we can do as a society, make our decisions with our eyes open, not blindly by not deciding.
Got email lists? I need them... I don't even know where to look.