OK. I am sober and sane. I own 18 ducks and
feed them various foods... mostly layer hen pellets .... but sometimes I give them a gallon of
chicken scratch in
their feed bowl and I got to thinking about this survival thing and I thought about the contents of
Chicken Scratch at Twelve dollars for a fifty pound bag.
ingredients: Corn, Wheat, Barley or Milo . I put a cup full into my litttle food blender and ground it to a coarse consistancy just like coarse corn meal.
THEN I used my favorite corn bread recipe ,,,,, lets face it.... two of the grains corn and wheat are what cornbread mix is made of.
The Cornbread was an absolute WINNER. I baked some in muffin tin and also baked an iron
skillet full and it was UNBELIEVABLE.
Yessir I believe chicken scratch is the new BEST DEAL in survival food. FURTHER.... in my 2nd batch, I tossed in with the ground chicken scratch, SOY FLOUR.
NOW I have a muffin with meat equivalent protein quality ! ! ! The soy made no discernable difference in texture or taste.
SO this is a no salt added, no fat added. high protein nutritious food. All I add is
milk and eggs. Especially in the iron skillet I dont need it to rise like bread
as I like it dense like a pancake etc.
If this virus thing gets bad and you see the shelves are empty at the grocer.... head to your closest feed store and grab a few 50 lb bags of Chicken Scratch. You wont be sorry