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Surprising Muffin Contents ....... Chicken Scratch !

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OK.   I am sober and sane.   I own 18 ducks and feed them various foods... mostly layer hen pellets .... but sometimes I give them a gallon of  chicken scratch in
their feed bowl  and I got to thinking about this survival thing and  I thought about the contents of Chicken Scratch  at  Twelve dollars for a fifty pound bag.
ingredients:   Corn,  Wheat,  Barley or Milo .       I put a cup full into my litttle food blender and ground it to a coarse consistancy  just like coarse corn meal.

THEN   I  used my favorite corn bread recipe ,,,,, lets face it....   two of the grains corn and wheat are what cornbread mix is made of.

The Cornbread was an absolute WINNER.      I baked some in muffin tin and also baked an iron skillet full  and it was UNBELIEVABLE.

Yessir   I believe chicken scratch is the new BEST DEAL  in survival food.      FURTHER....   in my 2nd batch,  I tossed in with the ground chicken scratch,  SOY FLOUR.
NOW  I have a muffin with meat equivalent protein quality ! ! !    The soy made no discernable difference in texture or taste.  

SO  this is a no salt added,  no fat added.   high protein nutritious food.    All I add is milk and eggs.   Especially in the iron skillet I dont need it to rise like bread
as I like it dense like a pancake etc.

If this virus thing gets bad and you see the shelves are empty at the grocer.... head to your closest feed store  and grab a few 50 lb bags of Chicken Scratch.   You wont be sorry
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um, whoa there.

feed for animals isn't of the same grade of food made for humans in the USA.  _really_ important you know this.  

I dated a woman whose family raised chickens for Tyson foods. Her family was very ethical and paid to have the food Tyson shipped to them for feed. Her family REJECTED the food sent to them by Tyson foods along with an chemical analysis of why they rejected it.  Tyson then sent them a new batch which tested negative for the chemical junk found in the first batch. They continue to test all food they feed to their chickens at their own cost and, every now and again, they reject a large batch.

Other growers aren't as picky nor as ethical.

Also, the rat and mouse feces allowed content in feed for animal consumption is much higher than that allowed by our FDA in grains for human consumption.

I highly recommend you don't eat any more of those tasty breads you were making.

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I agree with Orin. Animal feed quality grains are nowhere near the quality of human grade. In fact, you might be appalled to know the background of your animal feed. While much grain for livestock is ok, other batches are rejected loads from the human food chain. They may not only have too much dirt, but also too much "cides", illegal "cides", other toxic contaminants, questionable contaminants such as oils and grease, mold & fungal spores, etc.

Way back when I was a kid it was far, far safer to eat livestock grains. In fact, they were often the same batch that was used for humans. It was not uncommon for the morning mill stock to go to the human food chain, and the afternoon mill run go for livestock. That's no longer the case in most operations. But even back when I was a kid, we were aware that some batches of grain failed the quality control tests, and that grain went into livestock feed.

I'd have to be starving before I'd eat commercial livestock feed. But if I knew the farmer and trusted him, I'd consider eating his grain.
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