I have a couple of areas on my property that have
trees that are very likely, not of benefit to the overall system. There is one area in particular depicted below, where I have a number of
perennial weeds, willow, alder, poplar. They are at the very southern end of the property, wrapping around the south and west sides of an area that I believe it going to be best suited to forest garden / zone 3 & 4. It is shaded by the aforementioned trees for all or much of the day, even in summer.
So clear the trees, job done? Not quite - this area is quite saturated, as we are in the bottom of a valley, with a river running on our southern boundary. As such I am concerned as whilst they don't serve the landscape that might be coming, they likely do a reasonable job of holding soil together and drinking up
alot of that saturation at the wettest times of the year. Repurposing these shade creators as woodchips and ensuring
solar access to the area inevitably means running a gauntlet of the area being over saturated, while new trees try to establish.
I'm looking at cover cropping with possibly some minor
earthworks this year and moving towards planting next year.
Any resources or tips on how to manage an area and process like this?