Hi there, i really enjoy the info i can find here on permies, and when i stumbled over the
wwoofer website and started searching on the net for more info again i landed here, so i will make my first try right here. We just rented on a long term basis one hectar (10000m2) in the palm grove near Zagora, open google maps and copy-paste the line beneath and you are there:
De Sidi Elmokhtar Ben Ali, Souss-Massa-Draa, Maroc
We will be back in germany by the end of next week and start preparing all material and info needed to come back to zagora by the end of october. so in case anybody wants to give us a hand with info, help of any kind, and if i would be only some seeds we d appreciate very much. wwoofers or interns can stay with us for as long as they want, we have 6 spare rooms as the site is an ancient camping space.
In the beginning i ll have to renew
shower and toilets as they are in a catastrophic state, so please whoever is interested to spend some weeks or months in the sahara remember that until spring 2013 it will be VERY spartanic to say the least. And most of the heavy work has to be done in the first months too.
There will be locals who ll work there but still, each hand will help and spreading the knowledge how to grow fruits and veggies organic, high quality and with less
water will help to stop the constant growth of the use of chemicals in morocco and help people to become less dependant on imports and the state.
I experimented already with agnihotra, orga urkult and several other ways to increase growth and quality of plants and want to do that in a bigger scale down there, so the
local farmers can see and learn from the
project by watching and touching and through not some shallow presentations they wouldn t visit anyway.
Back home i ll make a small webpage with lots of pictures and details so please give me until mid april to set that up, thanks.
We lived in morocco already several years as i scouted there for german companies and my wife is actually a real tamazight berber, so we do have the chance to open quite some doors where others don t even see them. languages spoken are german, french, english, arabic, tamazight, spanish and italian.
Whatever kind of info you d like to have or give, just send a message and we ll see how we can help each other, thanks a lot,
my best wishes from a sunny rabat