Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
hobbssamuelj wrote:
i'd be interested in what you do and what equipment you use. in the short term, i'd like to start with sauer kraut and yogurt. so, i'm interested in what you use (crock, food-safe plastic, glass) and how you keep temperature (heat box, cold basement corner). Anybody got any ideas for how to make my own temperature constant yogurt and kefir box?
marina phillips wrote:
shameless self promotion alert.......I just started a blog all about fermentation. Check it out, I talk about all kinds of different things. And on a regular basis.
Mustang Breeze wrote:
I am having some fun with sour dough, too. I'm making "sister starters:" one made with milk and one with water. So far the results are amazing. Both are fermenting very happily but the texture is significately different. The water based starter has that traditional texture of a slightly spongy/stringy consistency. The milk based starter is very thick, smooth and velvety!
I am, currently, making loaves of Focaccia out of each to compare how them against each other. I can't wait for the tasting phase!
marina phillips wrote:
shameless self promotion alert.......I just started a blog all about fermentation. Check it out, I talk about all kinds of different things. And on a regular basis.
Before I was using putting full jars in a 50-55 Celsius water bath inside a styrofoam cooler wrapped in towels. It worked fine but too often the hot water leaked out all over my closet huh and the whole thing was just too messy.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
marina phillips wrote:
hummm.....Sometimes the pressure of warm water/air inside a kinda sealed thing can push water out of the kinda sealed thing.....not sure how to solve that one. But submerging the jars in hot water overnight worked well? That was my plan for DIY yogurt making. Maybe in a bigger cooler you wouldn't have to fill it quite so full of water and leakage will be less of a problem?
MoodyVaden wrote:
New guy here. What a find, this site and my new favorite subject, lacto-fermentation. I've been fermenting ales, wines and meads for over 10 years and then last year my father gave me Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz.
Idle dreamer
Ludi Ludi wrote:
A lot of fermenting or crock storage of food seems to require a lot of salt. As someone with high blood pressure, I have to avoid too much salt. Are there methods of crock preservation which do not use salt?
Paul Cereghino- Ecosystem Guild
Maritime Temperate Coniferous Rainforest - Mild Wet Winter, Dry Summer
Paul Cereghino wrote:I am thinking I need to beat up the cabbage more during processing... any thoughts?
"the qualities of these bacteria, like the heat of the sun, electricity, or the qualities of metals, are part of the storehouse of knowledge of all men. They are manifestations of the laws of nature, free to all men and reserved exclusively to none." SCOTUS, Funk Bros. Seed Co. v. Kale Inoculant Co.
The milk based starter is very thick, smooth and velvety!
I just fininshed eating my first batch of sourkraut... The moisture present during the intial fermet largely soaked back into the leaves in the fridge. I am thinking I need to beat up the cabbage more during processing... any thoughts?
misfit wrote:
This has worked well but not without problems. About two weeks ago the yogurt had separated and the solids became cheese like.
I calibrated the thermometer and that seemed to be the problem. It was just too hot. Sometimes it takes longer like 12 or 14 hours. I have learned to just be patient with it. I've had the temp as low as 80 and as high as 110 with no ill effects. I have disturbed them, moved them, tilted the jars, and done everything they say not to do and mostly no problems.
Len wrote:
most of the time you can just stir it back in, it depends on taste, but it isn't bad or anything.
pattimair wrote:
I often have whey on hand from straining the yogurt to get more of a sour cream or cream cheese texture. Is there some way (yes I see the pun) to use it in fermenting? Or for anything at all in the kitchen. I have composted with it, and consider it valuable.
pattimair wrote:
I often have whey on hand from straining the yogurt to get more of a sour cream or cream cheese texture. Is there some way (yes I see the pun) to use it in fermenting? Or for anything at all in the kitchen. I have composted with it, and consider it valuable.
spiritrancho wrote:
I make sourkraut in 3 gal. crocks on the dinning room floor. with a wieghted dish follower. I pound it enough to have the liquid cover the shreds. I use only 1 tbls. each seasalt and kelp with each head of cabbage and it is great.
I have a sour dough starter that I make english muffins with and french bread and have had for twenty years. For bread I add a teaspoon of yeast when ready to kneed to get a light rising product. For english muffins I add some baking soda to get additional levening. I find that rye and wheat breds need some white flour to avoid being a crumbing mess, but sourdough make them very heavy.
spiritrancho wrote:
Len: I have used both granular and flacked kep in the kraut. Works equally well but the flacks remain visable.
Yes, sourdough can be used alone to make good bread but powdered yeast will speed it up. I am always pushed for time and needing to finish a project so I can concentrate on three more. I take my s.d. starter out of the refer the night before and add flour and water and put it on a heating pad(in winter). The next morning I double the batch with more flour and water and a pinch of citric acid to speed it up. By noon it has doubled again and I then add 1 tsp yeast and start kneeding. I then let the dough rise for a couple of hours and bake that evening. All in a 24 hour period. Rather than three days.
I mill my rye and wheat as required. I find it simpler to store it as whole grain beeries. Even tho I run it thru the mill three times reducing the gap between the steel blades each run it is still rather course. Perthaps this is why my all grain breads crumble when cutting.
We noticed he had no friends. So we gave him this tiny ad:
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