Hi there!
My name is Sunflower. I am looking for work on a farm, in a nursery, or on an orchard. I am trying to gain as much
experience as possible in agriculture. You see, it is my future to start a regenerative organic farm and nursery. I am passionate about working with our earth, not destroying it. I have been doing research and have had a little bit of experience these past few months, but now I am ready to really dig in and get my hands dirty (literally)! Although I only have a few months of agriculture experience, I make up for it with a strong work ethic and a desire to learn.
I know that it is a little late in the season to be seeking out employment, but I believe if you put yourself out there honestly, that things work out the way they are supposed to. I have been staying with my mom in San Antonio, my trip was extended due to the pandemic but I am heading back to the PNW as soon as I have a destination. I am looking for small farms/orchards/homesteads that are willing to share what they know in exchange for help. Ideally, I would be able to work for a wage, but I would be more than willing to work for room and board. I do come with a wonderful and friendly black lab/hound named Tesla and a very strong personality in a tiny Chihuahua named Princess. I have my own car and a valid drivers license. I have a tent and if need be I can possibly get my hands on a travel trailer.
I am looking for an opportunity anywhere in the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. I am positive something will work out!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate what you do!
Be Well,