Hello everyone.
Let me just point out. I am interested in learning about bee keeping. I however will not be doing anything about it this year, as I will be trying to learn more about bee keeping this winter/next spring.
Here are a few obstacles to bee keeping which i have noticed:
-We have an over population of feral sheep on the island which has really impacted the forests of anything which is shorter than 4 feet tall. Occasionally the plants can grow thru, tho it has done so with being eaten every year, so it takes a number of years(10+) before the plant/tree grows to a above 4 feet. So grasses/flowers are always keep short and rarely go to flower. Which also means flowers/grasses hardly are able to grow and establish in new areas.
- This leaves the forest devoid of a lot of pollen. We do get A lot of pollen from Douglas firs and from Pine
trees, Alder trees. This is visible when the wind blows....
- I have heard from a number of community members, that keeping
bees here is difficult. I have heard that this issue is their is not
enough nectar/pollen year round for them. I do not know every reason why it didn't work.
- we do not have a large amount of
land to plant to any later season pollen/nectar.
-I do not want to
feed them sugar/honey over the winter.
I have noticed we have a huge amount of
native bees around our house right now which is feeding on the trailing blackberry. So maybe it is possible to catch a swarm. We do have some large orchards around in the neighbourhood.
So mainly is this feasible? A large portion of the island is intact forest. And starting at about the mid point of the island the sheep have had less of an impact on the undergrowth. With the north end looking completely different. Lots of undergrowth!
Thank you in advance!