I did a quick search and couldn't find any answers pertaining to my situation (but it was quick, so I appologize if I missed my
answer). I have a few questions about some of invasive volunteers I have around my
First, and most perniciously annoying, is wild grape. The previous owners let about an acre of our 3 acre property go wild. We have mowed back some of it and plan to leave the rest "wild" (although there isn't much cover now, there is a lot of tall grass and shrubby things and some bush that has berries... plant identification is NOT my strong point!... but there's a lot there to attract birds and other small animals), except that the wild grape vines are taking over a lot- challenging some even established plants, like a good sized conifer (blue spruce I believe). AND it is challenging my (admittedly not
permie) garden and the
hugelkultur beds I am working on. I don't want to erradicate it, and I think if I can hold it back for a few years and let other things get bigger/catch up it will be kept in it's place... but where do you draw the line with something like this? I know it's a opportunist, taking over
land that was overkept lawn and then ignored lawn. But I feel like if I let it go I'll have an acre of extremely well established wild grape. What would you do? We've been removing it manually, pulling out all the vines and
roots that have grown along the ground under the grass, on top of the grass, up shrubs and
trees, just under the soil... not a fun job (although it is kind of cathartic). I've dug out a few of the bigger, more established roots.
Should I just leave it for now and see what happens? We did pull out one of the biggest patches for the hugelkulture, so maybe that will be
Also- wild violets. No complaint about them, I would LOVE if they would crowd out the entire lawn, and I have never understood why people complain about them. I want to encourage MORE of them, but my husband isn't sold on this whole "no/less lawn" thing, and I could never convince him to stop mowing, and I think mowing is what keeps the violets in check. We haven't mowed yet this spring and I can tell they have really spread. Also, I've been harvesting the blossoms every morning to make violet jelly (it takes a lot of them). Should I leave some blossoms, or stop after a few days? I know with domesticated flowers you pick flowers to encourage more flowering, but will I wear out a wild species? That sounds like a dumb question now that I've said it out loud.... and the same for creeping charlie- not the blossom picking but I want to encourage it, but it mostly grows intermingled with the grass.
Lastly- what do you do about pernicious thistles? I was raised on a farm and one of our jobs as kids was spraying and/or digging musk thistles because they would crowd out pasture and cows wouldn't eat them, and they reproduce like crazy. But I'm afraid that since I was raised that way my view of them may be skewed. Is there a place for these plants? Should I allow a few to grow, perhaps plucking the flowers before they go to seed, or should I erradicate them (as my husband wants me to)?
And just generally what is your view on or what have you done about invasive species of plants?
Thanks in advance!