Long story short, we just had 13 pine
trees shading a 1.5 acre field removed, and some of the workers screwed up and pushed the perfectly good, 80 year old tree 12-14 foot by 36" diameter logs to the edges of the field. Now it's been raining for ~5 days, and we are facing a decision of seeding immediately vs. having the trees moved.
Big concern is soil compaction from tractors and logs on super wet soil, for example:
If we seed first we can't move the logs and they will no longer be in saleable condition, hence maybe could turn them into
hugel beds. However it's unseasonably cold and wet here right now (perfect for seeding) and if we wait for the soil to dry, then move logs, then seed, we lose the unseasonable miracle window for seeding.
The 5-6 misplaced logs are white pine and are gigantic, but it doesn't seem worth compacting so much soil to recover a few hundred $$ at most in board-feet. Is my gut correct here? What would you do? (Other than not hire the incompetent workers again, of