RFE : Broken links, polling external content loading everything into archive.org
(Request For Enhancement)
So there I was minding my own business perm-ing away. Some kind soul had put in a link to some external resource. (
http://www.lakeoftheozarkspermaculture.com/rainwater-harvesting/water-treatment-rainwater-harvesting-wom/ )
And it sounded perfect, but the image after the link was broken... and the domain is no longer resolving... etc.
Good news! archive.org was watching it!
There are a few UI things that could possibly help people get to the right place.
1) Call out broken external links specifically. There is probably
enough umph in JavaScript to figure out when a resource doesn't load or a request to the hosting sites
root fails at least. ( doing it in JS avoids backend complexities )
2) When a link shows up as broken, point people to the internet archive page for what was there ( e.g. :
https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.lakeoftheozarkspermaculture.com/rainwater-harvesting/water-treatment-rainwater-harvesting-wom/ ) with a quick howto as to how to use the wayback machine. E.g. Look for green dots, and scroll back on the yearly timeline to find more dots.
3) To insure that the archive is populated. Forever external link (heck for every link), attempt to register the page to be saved in the archive. ( e.g.
https://web.archive.org/save/http://www.lakeoftheozarkspermaculture.com/rainwater-harvesting/water-treatment-rainwater-harvesting-wom/ )
Thank you for the consideration and time.
Especially if #3 is already being done.