About three years ago we decided to turn an eroding slope into a garden and I (in my infinite wisdom) started pulling all the dead
wood and fallen
trees off the hill... and I made a little terrace from some of the old logs... the idea being that soil running off the fields would end up in the terrace and I would have built my own Machu Picchu (which presumably would last for thousands of years feeding millions of people).
Now, three years later I have a pretty barren flat of clay/mud surrounded by rotten logs and a big brush pile. Here are some pictures, the first picture shows the glory of Machu Picchu's single, crappy garden plot with accompanying brush
fence and the second picture is a different view, showing the "Back Hoe" that I brought in to fix my mistake.
Here the loverly Back Hoe shows the pile of three year old rotting wood that will soon become a proper garden (instead of the mess I had made).
I also have a picture of the (long haired, bearded hippie) Bull Dozer that is now gathering up the rotting wood and throwing it onto the slope in piles with paths between them. Later the Bull Dozer and the Back Hoe will be piling
straw, muck from our Swamp and some of the clay and gravel from up the hill onto the wood and starting a better (and hopefully more productive garden).
I am *so* glad that I read about growing stuff on piles of rotting wood at Permies. As you can probably see we only have older, lazy machinery around the place and doing things the right way (with the
energy we choose to spend) will certainly be more productive that screwing up so badly (again).