My husband and I both had the same reaction: Eeww!
However, I do know a lot of animals, mostly human, who are very pretty but serve no useful purpose. So we look forward to seeing how the Naked Necks will turn out. A friend told me they are very tasty but I'm holding out for eggs.
There's a commercial hatchery down in 'Bama that sells a naked neck variety especially for meat production.
He claims that they are as close to "Label Rouge" as you'll get.
If somebody comes up with a completely naked bird, the processors will want to buy him out.
Think of the time that would be saved at the plucking station.
wayne stephen
Posts: 1748
Location: Western Kentucky-Climate Unpredictable Zone 6b
Actually the Turken is an heirloom breed from Transylvania - Maybe they were bred with exposed necks to attract Vampires away from humans. I understand that they are a prefered breed in the French slow growLabel Rouge Program . The taste is supposedly superior. I am going to try some in tractors this year. They have longer legs and long narrow breasts , skin is thin and crispy according to what I have read.
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I am hearing from multiple sources that this is a superior tasting bird. Maybe I need a rooster to match! If I could get the chickens to hatch as many babies as the turkeys did the mommas could live a long and happy life here as I usually only eat meat from my back yard or one other farm down the road.