My trials and errors:
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:I highly prefer barnyard mix, because they have fewer health problems, and more robustness, than birds that have undergone the intense inbreeding necessary to be called a breed.
My trials and errors:
Anne Miller wrote:We like Rhode Island Reds because they are an all-around great chicken.
The hens lay nice large brown eggs.
These chicken are great for meat, and are friendly and cuddly besides being a pretty red color.
My trials and errors:
Zone 9b
Juniper Zen wrote:Hi Anna! I used to read your blog back when I had more time to sit at the computer, and have several of your e-books, including the first edition of the breed selection book. You helped me dream big, and now I have 2 acres of my own!
My trials and errors:
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:The lighting today was inappropriate for photography, but here's a tease.
My trials and errors:
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
My trials and errors:
There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse. - Thomas Sowell
Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. - Albert Einstein
Zone 9b
Juniper Zen wrote:Just took new photos and sent them your way, Anna.
My trials and errors:
Kristine Keeney wrote:Howdy!
I'm vocal about my appreciation of Dorkings. I love 'em. Of all the different types of chickens we've had over the years, Dorkings have been the continuous thread.
I have had and appreciated most of the birds we ended up with. They are individuals, with interesting breed personalities and individual chickenalities.
Back, about 20 years ago, when we first moved back to Texas, we decided to take a flying leap into livestock with two of the easy choices - rabbits and chickens. I would probably do it differently, if I had it to do over, but ... we were young and full of energy. HA!
We were active with a historical recreationist group - the Society for Creative Anachronism and that probably guided us, due to a certain fascination with questions about how people managed things before electricity and processed sugar, and what livestock and plants did they raise and how did they do it?
That first order was for Silver-grey Dorkings (a historic breed, written about by the Roman, Columella, among others), and a handful of mixed birds soon turned up, too. The neighbors heard (small town gossip) that I was "doing" chickens and I had all the unwanted chicks and random roosters dumped into my yard. I learned quickly that I didn't care for the Leghorns and their relatives. The huge numbers of eggs were great, but their temperament and flighty nature left me cold. I had enjoyed them earlier in life (family of farmers), so it was learning that different breed groups could have different temperaments that threw me.
The Dorkings were the near opposite of the Leghorns. Chill and calm, given to lay smaller and more infrequently, but so easy! The two leghorn roosters nearly killed each other but the Dorking roos hated to be apart. They hung out together and were so funny about it!
Over the years, I have kept Dorkings. The rest of the birds came and went with predators, Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome, and old age or culling, but the Dorkings' numbers got refreshed every year no matter what.
Partridge Cochin was chill and a fun little fluffy butted bully to the younger birds. She laid well and died at 5 years.
My Easter Eggers are personable (chickenable?), smart, and funny. They don't have a broody bone in their bodies, but are so much fun to have around. My current last one (to be added to before the end of the year) likes to hang on the back porch and dart inside the house when I'm not paying attention. I've had them from two different mail order hatcheries and from TSC Spring chicks, and they've been as interesting, though the parentage has differed appreciably.
My Lavender Spotted Orpington is a Big Puffball of Attitude. She likes to be left alone to hang with the other flock matriarchs, mostly my older Silver-grey girls at this point, lays consistently but never frequently, and hasn't shown a bit of broodiness.
The Gold Penciled Wyandottes were a team until one got grabbed by a dog late last year. Beautiful big ladies, easy to see in the yard, opinionated without being stuffy. They were never broody, consistent layers. Good birds with a bit of heft to them. I still have one, who hangs with the rest of the older hens.
Dorkings lay a medium sized cream to light tan colored egg. They are known to have a meaty breast of sweet flavored meat. They taste good to me, and are a compact bird, so ... maybe?
I have the Silver-greys and will be starting a couple of smaller flocks for breeding purposes. Those will be the Single-combed Whites - a Delaware color pattern and strikingly attractive bird, and The Blacks. The roo I currently have is a beautiful Birchen, which isn't correct but I like the look and will be seeing if I can get some Birchen birds going since I have a pullet that matches. I also have some Colored Dorkings and hope to get into the Rose-combed Coloreds, eventually. I'll see if I can find some pictures for you.
I do have a bit of a landrace experiment going on. For the "colored" egg layers, the flock that supports my hobby (I sell eggs for feed money), all that matters is that the eggs be good sized and Not Supermarket Eggs, so I've been planning to hatch out whatever brown and colored eggs I get to see what happens.
I'm always willing to talk about chickens. I'm sure I have other hens and opinions that I've gathered over the years, but .. can't remember right now.
Hm. Can't upload right now. CRF errors and suchlike. Slow internets.
Maybe tomorrow.
My trials and errors:
Rene Poulin wrote:
Hybrids are really well developed in the UK where small breeders are keeping heirloom breeds alive by using them as parents to create new hybrids that all lay close to 300 eggs per year while consuming less feed. So in these times of crisis when grains are in tight supply and backyard chicken keepers are more numerous than ever, I can’t see why this is not a great trend. Heirloom breeds that are less efficient feed converters on their own, are conserved while creating unique hybrids that can meet modern standards of productivity. You are certainly welcome to use my comments.
My trials and errors:
Rene Poulin wrote:Thanks Anna, Here is another example of hybrids that are not available where I live. We have relatively few breeds available to us in Canada compared to the US or UK.
I am not personally involved in chicken breeding because I do not have the multiple rooms and buildings I would need to start. I have read about the process of breeding selective hybrids on BYC forum. I engage in plant breeding in my garden and orchard. So if I had the opportunity I would probably try it!
I think the UK probably has a really good environment for this type of activity. It has a mild climate and is a real center for poultry breeders and exhibition events. It also must focus on adding value to its operations because it cannot succeed by trying to outproduce other regions.
My trials and errors:
We noticed he had no friends. So we gave him this tiny ad:
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