One of the most-liked PRACTICAL
gift ideas we have used are rechargeable headlamps for everyone. My husband and I use these constantly for 1 checking livestock at night 2 repairing small items on a desk where you need extra light and hands free 3 engine repair 4 reading in bed 5 finding items in a dark closet 6 reading a map 7 putting
chickens to bed.... We always take them on trips as emergency gear, a couple in the glove box. The ones we have have
LED bulbs, have a Hi/Lo/strobe setting, and recharge with a common phone USB cord. We have dropped them with no damage and they are water-resistant. These are counted as necessary to take along as our phones, and I'm not sure how we made it without them. We almost never use common flashlights anymore. So last Christmas, everyone on our list got a rechargeable headlamp with their other gifts and everyone was happy!