I want to talk about the great headlamp that was given away in 2017. I won one, and instantly put it in a drawer because I HATE headlamps. I'll have it when I need it.
We moved off-grid in 2018. I had no choice; either wear it or sit in the dark. I LOVED it! I enjoy tracing, and it was always bright
enough on low beam.
Fast forward to this year. When we had to evacuate because of fire, I took my trusty headlamp. We lost our
solar power and were given another. The control box messed up and we had a surge that ruined my headlamp! I put it on my Amazon wish list so I wouldn't lose the link. When we can, I'll get another one.
My husband wants one now,too. When he noticed how long they stayed charged and how bright it was, he was convinced.
He thought that since it was so light, it probably wasn't any good. I never liked headlamps because they were so heavy.
Thanks Patrick!