I hear you on the feeling that cold times can't come soon enough. Chiggers are the worst! I've tried most everything to stop the itch. Benadryl doesn't even work. What's worked the best for me was peppermint essential oil. Any camphoraceous oil would probably work too. I don't usually like to use essential oil, but am willing to make an exception for these dreadful critters. Cold packs on the bites help too, but only while they are on.
I found an article where a doctor was recommending plain old white vinegar. Though it was unclear whether this was to cause them to jump ship, stop the itching or both. I have been spraying myself down with it after being outdoors, along with showering and changing clothes. That seems to have cut down on the number of bites.
If it's any consolation, I hear that because our bodies immune response to them is so extreme, they can't hang on to get enough of a
feed to move to their next growth stage. So the ones that bite us don't go on to make more.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer