Hi guys! I’m becoming more and more interested in finding bibliography, videography and all methodologies on direct seed sowing on soil.
I’ve read that is common in Syntropic agriculture, also that
Sepp Holzer likes to disperse seeds here and there, Lawton likes too to plant bunches of seeds some time... but I can’t fine any single methodology, “how-to” or step by step guide. Things like seeds mixes, density, spacing...
I want to go deeper on this because I think that whatever grows on my soil, is going to be “Hulk”, without the stress of transplanting or whatsoever. And it is a matter of probabilities, the more you plant, more chances of success you have. Also, the better the soil, the better the growth.
But I’m sure there is a lot of material available for this and somehow I cant find it. I read here “
Sepp Holzer said in a video” or “Geoff Lawton said in a video”, but then I don’t find videos, or blog, or whatever.
So maybe we could make on this
thread a “Todography” (todo means all in spanish, but allography sounded worse) with texts, videos, whatever on this issue