I was told verbally that the requirements to build were -
Well, Septic, no mobile homes, 1000 sqft minimum*, meet IBC 2016 building codes.
*followup on the 1000 sqft - that is measured from above, continuous roof - it could be 400 sqft heated, 400 sqft carport, 200 sqft porch - as long as it's all one roof. My current draft is ~600 sqft heated, with the north wall bermed, on a mild south facing slope, outdoor cooking area to the west, and outdoor
shower, natural swimming pool and hot tub to the east, south to be a large
pond. Well would be just to the west of the
pond at the key point, with a pump to supplement rainwater capture from various roofs when there's a drought. (In other words I want a well to meet the letter and spirit, but necessarily for a primary water source.)
I'll have to look up the wording of the regulations...