Hi there,
I'm well aware that posting in the Cider Press can have high risks for one's account. High risk, high reward and all that. I intend to be kind and compassionate in my (very infrequent) posts there.
But there is one I'd like to post in that, if I'm reading it correctly, says it requires 4 apples as a minimum. I have 8 and when I go to the forum, I don't appear to be able to reply to a post there.
My account has been bugged with respect to a couple of different things so I'm wondering if somehow it is bugged with respect to apple-features. I don't have luck with (or fondness for)
Apple products, so perhaps this is the Universe having a go at me for kicks.
Just so I'm clear, where is it that I confirm the exact number of apples required to post?
Edit: Ah, I went to the desktop version rather than mobile and I see it very clearly indicates the number of apples you must have in the fine print at the top. I was looking at a 12-post and I only have 8. Righto, I will continue to be a GOOD BOY to get apples :P