We moved to the flat we live in now a couple of months ago. It's a nice area, not too noisy with the traffic and the sound of the birds is amazing and we get to watch the beautiful
trees swishing from side to side as the wind blows this way and that, it's quite nice.
The gardens are communal. There are rules about what you can and can't do in the flats....which must have been made in the war........but the rule I like the most is if you want to help tend the gardens you can as long as you don't plant trees and I need to get everyone's permission, well those people that need to give permission anyway.
So I asked if I could have a small piece of the gardens, it looks like it might happen. Yehhh!!!. Now, I have to say this is great but the other people around that have their bits of garden make me angry and I want to do my little bit of heaven to show them what they
should be doing. One person even asked me for advice. I'm not an expert but I think when I said to them leave this, this and this and take out the grass I meant it because the plants were good for wildlife and ground cover etc not to mention they wouldn't have to pay out for new plants. I got back from work just now and the lady of the husband who asked the advice had pulled up all but one of the species I recommend they leave. The ground is now bear soil.
Another lady....this one manages the flats or apartments as you guys over the
water might say.....and small bits of garden here and there. The other day my husband and I noticed an unusual flower growing on the near by church
yard and noticed this flower on her bed too. We found out it is a rare species in this country and only grows in certain places, like church yards but these weren't far from the church. When we went oout the other day we noticed she had pulled them up. I was flabbergasted and so cross especially as she makes out she knows everything and is a little bit of a power over freak.
My stomach is in knots about what these people have done and how they just don't seem to care. I want to swear at them and whip them into understanding that making nature their bitch is a no no!!!
Sorry got that off my chest.
Anyway so this little piece of garden we have isn't very big but I want to make an impact and show them the way to do it so to speak. I'm not an expert but I know better than they do. I know what I'm going to put in more or less but any suggestions on how to either inform these people or what to put in the garden would be good.
It's in between a block of flats right adjacent to a small car park area so it will be the main point of visual. It's South facing so gets the sun. Trees are not allowed as I said due to some kind of bureaucracy but I think just about anything else can go in.
I don't feel so angry now.